Prepared for the Future

Jun 5, 2020 | Latest News

Prepared for the Future
We have been busy preparing for the new ‘normal’, post COVID, ensuring we provide the same high quality service and rapid response to our customers.

Operating throughout the pandemic, we have done our upmost to ensure our, customers, employees and suppliers are kept safe at all times during all projects & service visits. As well as doing our best to keep everyone safe and implementing new health and safety protocols, we have also adopted new methods of support, communication and service.

Firstly, we have introduced & will be implementing for the foreseeable future, video conferencing meetings to communicate with our customers globally. This has been a big success and VAS will continue to keep in contact with customers during and after the pandemic via these communication tools.

We have also introduced online technical support. Previously only available on our customers with a VCS + control system, our electrical department have worked hard to allow VAS to remotely support and troubleshoot our customers problems remotely.

Finally, we have introduced virtual and interactive training. Using the virtual communication tools, we are able to deliver training with ease. Sending all material prior to delivering the training gives our customers and partners time to look over the training content prior to our experts starting the training.

During the downtime, we are delighted to have been given the opportunity to support our customers and partners in new ways and are now looking at even more ways to support and serve our customers with the highest quality service.

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